In varying attempts to organize my life, I started creating a spreadsheet to track what I spend my money on. It seemed like a good idea and it seemed to give my mom some ease about my life. Of course it was color-coded with assorted hues (hello useful art school education!) and helped enliven the horrifying and often lamentable realities of where my sweat soaked dollars went. And not exactly as a surprise, the most repeated color correlated to food. This lovely turquoise power-color showed up again and again: Foodstuffs. Edibles. Eatables. Chow.
I am a girl with an appetite. But more so I have a true interest and enthusiasm for food. Learning and research often goes with my avid purchasing. I love it and will probably always love it. Sometimes I daydream about all the things I could buy if I did not care about food. But hey, maybe I just want to care about food! It makes me emotional! It challenges me! It nourishes me! So, whatever, maybe one day I'll have a little more money and get to travel to exotic locations to try more food.