Saturday, March 23, 2013


Returning to your hometown after years away is strange. Sometimes it feels like a rerun. You're older, hopefully wiser, but you find yourself often going through the old motions. You no longer walk around the city exploring, instead hopping in the car to go to the store a mile away. You buy shit food that you loved in middle school. You binge on said junk while watching hours of television. You don't work on those newfound skills, but instead drink lots of soda and gossip about locals. 

I've been watching the OC in excessive amounts. I didn't think it would be good with the passage of ten years (and all the lovely television I've met since then). But it is SO ENTERTAINING. I'm still shocked and wowed and surprised. 
I'm trying trying ​to be new in this city. I will not be a rerun of myself, unless it's the good parts.